Gratitude for Our Legislative Partners
At a Legislative Thank You Luncheons held on August 7 and again on August 23, California State Assemblymembers Chris Holden (41st District) and Adrin Nazarian (45th District), along with California State Senator Henry Stern (27th District), and Sal Rodriguez, Opinion Editor for the Los Angeles Daily News, were recognized for going above and beyond for the clients that the North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) and the Los Angeles Coalition of Service Providers serve.
Support in the Legislature for people served by both sets of organizations is very wide and bipartisan. But that support is rarely strong enough and deep enough to breakthrough to achieve real results for our community and the people we serve. This past year our local community was fortunate to be represented by the above mentioned State legislators and the LA Daily News editor.
These four men made the needs of our community a high priority throughout California’s past Legislative session through their representation, votes, and the writing of featured articles in the newspaper. For this, New Horizons, along with members of the Los Angeles Coalition of Service Providers and the NLACRC, believes we ultimately achieved the increases we received this year, due in large part to their efforts.
Honoring these gentlemen for their deeds gave everyone a wonderful opportunity to hear how they remain in the fight to make sure that the clients we serve with developmental and intellectual disabilities are empowered to live life to its fullest.