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New Horizons Walk Fundraiser, Saturday, August 27!
/in Agency Spotlight, EventsNew location with old friends, our 9th Annual On the Horizon Walk Fundraiser plans to be better than ever. Registration begins July 15 with a $35 per person donation.
New Horizons is excited to offer online, pre-event bidding for this year’s silent auction!
/in Agency SpotlightThe online auction will opened on Saturday, June 18th at 12:00 PM and bidding will continue throughout the Gala on June 25th, 2016 till 9:30PM!
New Horizons Receives Surprise Gift from National Charity League
/in Agency SpotlightOn Saturday, June 4, 2016, about 40 National Charity League (NCL) members, a group made up of mother and daughter volunteers, participated in the annual Philanthropy Orientation Day. Lead by chapter liaison to New Horizons, Ms. Terri Zaelke, the organization presented New Horizons with a $25,000 check for the renovation of Sam’s Cafe’s bathrooms.
New Horizons to Host a Career/Job Fair, Tuesday, June 21, 2016
/in NewsNew Horizons has job openings for those looking for a career in social services, working with individuals with special needs.
The LA Daily News Reports: New Horizons strikes sweet cookie deal with Vons, Pavilions
/in Agency SpotlightDaily News Article (5/13/16) – They’ve cooked up a sweet idea for raising money at New Horizons, the North Hills-based non-profit that helps individuals with special needs.
The agency’s clients, who have been baking New Horizons chocolate chip cookies for years, are now selling them at the Vons store at 18439 Ventura Blvd. in Tarzana and its sister Pavilions store at 6543 Platt Ave. in West Hills.
CSUN Students Develop Lean Manufacturing Solutions for New Horizons
/in NewsThis spring, students in professor Shereazad Jimmy Gandhi’s manufacturing systems engineering class MSE507 benefited from a special partnership between the nonprofit organization New Horizons and California State University, Northridge’s College of Engineering and Computer Science.
New Horizons Partners with Vons and Pavilions to Launch Our Delicious Cookies!
/in NewsNew Horizons will begin selling our delicious and freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookies, now known as New Horizons Cookies, at two local supermarkets on Wednesday, April 27 and Thursday, April 28 with a special pre-launch display.
A Letter from John D. Bunzel, New Horizons Chairman of the Board
/in Agency SpotlightDear New Horizons Friends and Family:
After 28 years of service at New Horizons, Cynthia Sewell (Kawa), our President/CEO, will be retiring, as of December 31, 2016. Please join me in congratulating her!
Good news for ground breaking television show, “Born this Way”
/in NewsA documentary series following the lives of young people with Down syndrome is getting a special honor from the people behind the Emmy Awards.
The A&E Network series “Born This Way” is one of six shows named to the Television Academy Honors.
DOVIA-LA highlights one of our own!
/in NewsIn their April 2016 newsletter eblast, DOVIA-LA highlighted member Shade Mokuolu. Shade is the treasurer on the DOVIA-LA Board. She is currently the Development Coordinator for New Horizons and has lead volunteers for over two decades in various roles. She is very excited to be part of DOVIA-LA and has gained valuable information that she can utilize in her professional work. To read her Q&A…
Roschell Ashley Receives Nomination for SFVBJ 2016 Women In Business Awards
/in Agency SpotlightNew Horizons is proud to recognize Chief Operating Officer Roschell Ashley for being honored by the San Fernando Valley Business Journal as a woman in business because of her outstanding achievements in the business community.
Mission: New Horizons 13th Annual Gala Fundraiser
/in Agency Spotlight, EventsGalpin Motors presents… 13th Annual Gala Fundraiser, Mission: New Horizons! Save the Date: Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 7pm to 10 pm enjoy dinner under the wings of the Space Shuttle Endeavor at the California Science Center in Los Angeles.
New Horizons Makes the Move Towards Safety
/in Agency Spotlight, NewsPerhaps you’ve noticed certain changes happening around campus. Our “welcome station” manned by campus monitor Edgardo De La Rosa is located at our west gate entrance. Just steps away from the Administrative Annex building, it is one of the many additions that make our organization a safer place for our staff, consumers and guests.
March 17, 2016 Letter by New Horizons Family Member, Lena Rivkin
/in NewsIt is immensely gratifying to see that, as Margaret Mead once said, even a small group of people fighting for what they believe in can, in fact, create positive change.
Jynny Retzinger 30th Legislative Breakfast to Say “Thanks”!
/in Agency Spotlight, EventsPlease call 818-778-4405 to join North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) and its co-sponsors, the Los Angeles Coalition of Service Providers on Friday, April 8, 2016, as they say “Thank You!” to our legislative officials for supporting the Managed Care Organization (MC) Tax reform bill linked to the $300 million in developmental services funding.
This photo was taken on Friday, January 29, 2016, as New Horizons Brite Lites visited Disneyland! This trip was made possible by Spectrolab employees who presented the tickets to the musical group at their annual holiday event.
Developmentally disabled can’t wait – by Lena Rivkin
/in NewsWhile Gov. Jerry Brown stresses saving funds for a “rainy day,” while his political coffers brim with millions of dollars to fight for causes he deems worthy, funding for California’s most vulnerable citizens remains woefully low.
Those with developmental disabilities held hostage: Tom Lackey
/in NewsIn politics, it’s not unusual to see one group’s priorities held hostage in order to leverage something else. What is unusual is that California is holding individuals with developmental disabilities — and funding on which they rely — as a hostage for an unrelated tax on health insurance plans.
/in NewsThe Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a motion by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich urging State legislative leaders to address the pressing needs of the more than 80,000 residents who are developmentally disabled.
TV Show Featuring Young Adults With Down Syndrome To Return
/in NewsMore episodes are on the way for a new television show focusing on the lives of young adults with Down syndrome.
To the Editor: Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget comes up short for disabled people
/in NewsWhile Gov. Jerry Brown has budgeted a 1.4% increase in aid to the needs of our indigent and disabled, I am among the many disappointed Californians who has a personal mandate to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Governor’s proposed budget leaves healthcare, special needs advocates disappointed
/in Agency SpotlightGov. Jerry Brown on Thursday handed what health care advocates and supporters of people with special needs called a status quo budget proposal for the next fiscal year, with no new investments or restoration of funding to programs that help California’s most vulnerable.
Free Electronic Waste Recycling Event
/in EventsOn Saturday, February 27, from 9am to 2pm, New Horizons and our friends at Anheuser Busch will once again join together and offer FREE drive through/drop off recycling of any electronic item that plugs in or uses batteries.
Editorial: Brown and Legislature must step up for developmentally disabled residents
/in NewsAppalling doesn’t even begin to describe the failure of Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democratic-controlled Legislature to adequately fund services for California’s nearly 290,000 developmentally disabled people.
Born This Way: Millennials with Down syndrome the focus of new reality show
/in NewsSean, 21, is a self-professed lady’s man. John, 28, is a rap artist. Megan, 22, was a high school cheerleader hoping to get her break as a producer in Los Angeles.
They are three young adults among a group of seven whose wants and needs mirror those of millennials far and wide: to go out and date, to be independent, to find meaning in their jobs, to look pretty and to feel wanted.